"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart;
it is a simple look turned toward heaven,
it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."
Saint Therese of Lisieux
it is a simple look turned toward heaven,
it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Let Our Children Hear Us Offer Heartfelt Words To God!
The ordinary events of our day... relaxing, working, walking, or playing... can offer opportunities to offer heartfelt words to God.
Prayer is also an opportunity to listen to God. Attentively rest quietly in His presence.
- "God, You're awesome!"
- "Thank you, God,... for the beautiful flowers, the sunny day, the songbirds in the trees the stars in the sky."
- "God, I love you... and will try to please you today."
- "Jesus, help me to be like you..."
- "Help me, God... to do a good job in my schoolwork."
- "Father, help me to know..."
- "God, sometimes I feel..."
- "Thank you, God.. for caring for me all day."
- "Spirit of love, be with me so I..."
- "God, I'm sorry... if I hurt someone or was stubborn or mean."
- "Holy Spirit, help me look into my heart..."
- "Jesus, I pray for..."
- "God Bless...those... I love...our day...our world."
Prayer is also an opportunity to listen to God. Attentively rest quietly in His presence.
" Prayer Prompts"
Have you ever heard, "I don't know what to pray about." Prayer prompts help spark ideas for prayer and encourage a more personal relationship with God.
Download printable "Prayer Starter" cards by Lacy Rabideau are available at